frequently asked questions

Where are the growing instructions?

The sticker label on your kit will have either a link or a QR code to the instructions. We like to keep them as a link so that we can easily add new tips and tricks as we figure them out.

What are your mushrooms grown on?

Our mushrooms grow on a mix of recycled and organic materials. This varies depending on availability of resources, but typically includes recycled sawdust, recycled paper, coffee chaff, and organic oats. If you have specific questions about contents, please email us for the most current substrate information.

What do you do to ensure substrate (growing material) quality?

We take a sample and test it for heavy metals.

What are the advantages of becoming a CSA member?

CSA members receive several perks, including cheaper kits, humidity towels, and the option to have your kits delivered (SL and UT counties). Being a CSA member also guarantees you a kit for the months you sign up for, so you don’t have to worry about us selling out.

I have bought mushroom kits before and they didn’t work very well. What makes yours different?

All of our kits are hand made in Salt Lake City. We are hyper-local. Every species we grow has been vetted to make sure it works in our climate. We prioritize native species, although we do grow a wide variety of mushrooms. To read more about that check out this blog entry.

How many mushrooms will I get from a kit?

Results will vary depending on the time of year and the level of care you give. Typically, oyster mushroom kits fruit 2 to 4 times, yielding 2 to 3 pounds. Shiitake and Lions Mane yield 1-3 lbs.

Do your kits require a lot of work? Are they beginner friendly?

Yes and no. The labor isn’t much, but they do need consistent and frequent watering. Utah’s dry air means mushrooms require some love and attention to be successful.

What measures do you take to be environmentally friendly?

Lots! Read more about that here.

Can I grow mushrooms in an apartment?

Yes! Growing mushrooms is a great option for city dwellers wanting to produce their own food.

Do you ship kits?

At the moment, we do not have the means to ship. Delivery is an option for CSA members in Salt Lake and Utah counties.

I work with an organization that might be interested in co-hosting a workshop. How do I get started?

Great! Reach out via our contact form.